Sunday, October 26, 2008

Confessions of a Pinkerbelle in Training

Welcome to the latest somewhat pathetic attempt by a Gen X'er to get introspective about the rites and rituals of growing up.  That's right-another mommy blog.  I decided to start this blog in part for myself and in part as a way for family and friends to keep up with our lives.  The title of the blog is taken from "Pinkalicious"- a must read and probably have read for those with girls between the ages of 3 and 100.    It's the process of becoming Pinkerbelle that we'll focus on here.

Like a good chunk of the population of mommies blogging these days, I am a solid gen X'er.  Grew up with shrinky-dinks, Hawaiian punch, stew starter, the Dukes of Hazard (with Catherine Bach being the one and only Daisy Duke), Saturday morning cartoons, and Olivia Newton John on roller skates.  And like most of us (at least from what I can tell from the list of friends on my facebook page), I delayed motherhood until I hit that magic number 30.  I had a great time in my twenties- I traveled, went to school, drank too much, finally met a great guy, got married and bought a house with my dad's help.  Kids seemed like a good idea but I was honestly a little bit wigged out by the idea.  It took me a long time to learn to like myself and even then, it wasn't perfect.  I've always had an independent streak that ran distinctly on the nerd side of the line rather than the cool one.  I've never been into sporting badass tattoos or belly rings but didn't think twice about going to a hammam in Morocco to have a traditional bath done.  (Ok I did think twice when Fatima, our dorm maid, stripped me down naked in front of my "bath" companions.)  How on earth would I ever learn to be a role model?

I honestly almost died when the doctor doing the sonogram with our first child told my husband and I we were having a girl.  A girl was definitely dangerous.  I always thought perhaps I could fake it a bit with a boy but girls know.  They smell the weakness and are never afraid to express their unending disappointment.  And here I am at 35 now with two.

After my older daughter was born, I had many preconceived notions about what kind of kid she would be.  If she was lucky, she'd be much cooler than me, but not a prom queen.  She'd be hip but not a poser.  She'd be up on music, art, chunky knits, and "ugly dolls."  Instead, at about 18 months, Iz discovered the Disney Princesses and there's been no going back.  Anything that glitters, shines, or has a pinkish hue is sanctified in our house.  She even had the words "high heels" down before she was 2.  

And so, this closet nerd has had to discover how to be a girl and a kid I never was and try and make sure I don't disappoint my not-so-free-spirits.  Welcome to my journey. 

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