Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

We took the girls to the polls this morning. Although we were prepared to wait around (meaning we did bring a snack bag), we were thrilled to find almost no lines at the local high school. Thank goodness since the Washington Post and New York Times are portraying a total mess in other parts of Fairfax County. Explaining the process of voting and what it means to a 4 yrs old is hard (obviously Lottie was in it for the snacks and the sticker) but a large part of me wants to share this moment in our country's history with Izzy in a somewhat intelligible way. Ryan somewhat sarcastically said this morning that every election is an historic event and maybe he's right, but I do think there's something different about this one. Regardless of where you come down on the political spectrum, the fact that an African American man can run for and legitimately contend for the office of president of the United States is a really cool thing. It's about time that someone other than old white dudes got to represent our country to itself and the rest of the world. I know it wasn't a very PC thing to say but I'm with Michelle Obama on this one- for once in my adult life, I am proud of my country. And I am proud of the lines of folks waiting to vote and that enough people care to take part in this process. Ultimately, even if Barak Obama loses, I hope this moment represents a turning point for our country. Just as Hurricane Katrina exposed the absolute worst part of our nature, I hope this will become the best.

Cheers everyone and make sure you vote!

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