Tuesday, November 18, 2008


It's a two-fer today folks as I try to catch up on all my "important" news. Something very funny has been brewing in the Schroeder household these days. The girls are playing with each other. Don't get me wrong- Isabel and Lottie have been playing around each other for ages. You know- the classic parallel play. They will play in each other's company but usually they do their own thing. But over the past few weeks, Lottie has been seeking Izzy out to play. She pull out plates, colanders, dolls, blocks- usually whatever they have been last playing with and wanders around the house yelling "Izzy, Izzy." You can almost here the "come out to play" coming from her lips. It's really kind of cool.

Of course, playing together also means growing rivalry. (Here, for those of you familiar with the tune, please begin humming the sister song that Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen sing in "White Christmas" as my dad does to my sister and I whenever he hears us "discussing" things.) Usually, the rivalry goes no further than Lottie shrieking at the top of her lungs "mine!" when Izzy tries to play with a toy that Lottie is particularly keen on. It will get worse, as I know from experience. But it does make me look forward to the day when I can sit down with a trashy magazine and let them argue somewhere else in the house.

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