Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Finish Line is in Sight

I am really itching to take the Christmas decorations down. This actually has nothing to do with my somewhat disappointing holiday (more on this in a minute) but happens every year around this time. The tree dries out horribly, the house feels cluttered, I feel like I need to enter detox from all the cookies and champagne, etc. Yesterday I bought "clean scented" candles which I burn every January (this year, the scent is grass) and some new ornament storage boxes in an attempt to be more organized next year. I can't bring myself to take everything down until after New Years, though. Even in my eagerness, it seems a little wrong to discard of the holiday too soon.

But I don't think I'll miss this holiday season too much. Don't get me wrong- we had some good laughs. Our holiday open house was a success (I think) and people actually cleared out ahead of schedule which meant I had time to clean up and put the kids to bed before the cookie swap the next day. The cookie swap was tremendously fun. We had a good time in NY visiting with my family and the girls had a blast dancing the night away at my dad's office party. We had a good dinner Christmas Eve and the looks on the kids' faces on Christmas Day when they came downstairs to find Santa had come were priceless. And then there was Isabel's first holiday concert (thanks to NAEYC, the theme was one that even Irving Berlin could be proud of- winter. Izzy still says her favorite song is "Let it snow" which she and her friends sang for the parents.) And Isabel's newfound love of puzzles, Candyland, and Peter Pan has made the evenings alot of fun lately. Ok, so it wasn't all bad. But the holiday did have a weird feel to it- as if no one, other than the kids, really cared that much. Ryan admitted to being distracted at work and not really "into" the holiday this year, my in-laws decided to forgo wrapping most presents so we ended up handing around cardboard boxes (not that the kids cared that much). My poor niece was thrown off her schedule, left without her usual toys, and probably teething, so spent the better part of her stay with us balling her eyes out. I got myself so distracted with everything that I ended up missing our Christmas Eve outing after forgetting my wallet at home.

And then there was the dreaded stomach bug. Lottie caught it first Monday night last. A few episodes of puking all over our bed in the middle of the night (one of her specialities), some runny BMs, and she was fine. Next to go down was Ryan on Tuesday. Dry heaving, stomach craps, and fatigue for several days, but by Thursday evening, he was more or less in shape again. I went down Thursday night. It was ugly. As usual, I got the triple strength dose. I was prone Friday, up a bit Saturday, prone Sunday, and tied up in knots yesterday. Today is my first day "back in the saddle." I hope I am able to stay upright.

I suppose if everyone holiday was picture perfect it wouldn't be memorable. But I'll be relieved when the last ornament is off the tree. Then I can start planning for Easter... (just kidding!!)

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