Friday, December 5, 2008

WTC?! (What the craft)

I think there is something wrong with me. I can't stop crafting these days. I think my latent desire to quit my fairly good-paying job that makes me generally happy and give myself over to crafting in some backwoods town in Vermont must becoming not-so-latent. Got all that? It really started innocently. Before I left for a longish business trip this past spring, I took a book out of the library on knitting. I started knitting a few years ago and after a disastrous start (a woman teaching knitting at a local Michaels in northern VA shook her head when she looked at my attempts and said "I've never not been able to teach someone to knit), I got the hang of the scarf thing. But I got bored. And Isabel still refuses to touch the scarf I knit her a few years ago. So I took the book out to learn to knit something else, anything else. I was happy to discover that I could actually make a hat out of a basic scarf. So I did. Four of them. And then I made a blanket. And now I am knitting a dress for Isabel's bear. But it doesn't stop there. I found a pattern for a sock puppet that Boden (a great clothing line btw) most unhelpfully sent me so now I have a stack of socks and buttons to create a family of sock puppets. Never mind the excessive amount of time I've been spending in AC Moore these days. I have ornaments to make with Isabel, candy cane reindeer for Lottie and her friends, and endless amounts of gingerbread men over the next few weeks.

This craftiness is starting to get in the way of relationships. My mother-in-law warned me off my craft habit after I showed up in Kansas with a stack of kits to make pilgrim and Indian hats for the kids at Thanksgiving. Eight pilgrim girl and boy hats and Indian headdresses later (as well as some finger cramping from holding scissors), m-i-l, who perhaps unwisely volunteered to help, was done with me and my campaign to "Do something creative everyday." Damn The Paper Source. (Want any more evidence of my addiction?)

Seriously, every time I read an article in the New York Times about some supermodel who goes to upstate every weekend to run her own bakery (such a story exists- see here), I get woolly-eyed about being surrounded by cupcakes and knit goods and books. Ryan likes to add here when I pine in such manners that a good bottle of scotch would also be necessary for happiness. Maybe someday when I don't have to worry about sending kids to college or affording "high heels" for this year's Christmas party. High heels for Izzy and Lottie, of course. I already have quite a few in case you're worried. In the meantime, folks will just have to suffer my habit. Until I move onto something else!

Btw- want a totally trashy, beach-read-y, Christmas diversion? Try "Bergdorf Blondes" by Plum Sykes. It's obnoxiously awful but somewhat fun, especially if you are secretly addicted to Vogue like I am. (Not that you would ever be able to tell from my closet.)


Elaine said...

Too funny! Watch out, you could end up like this woman:

Ali said...

I think we might have been separated at birth. I'm surrounded by yarn for sweaters that I'm too intimidated to knit, half-finished scarves, a giant basket of beads and related supplies.... Craig doesn't understand, naturally, and thinks that I'm slightly insane (which I am, but that's beside the point). Speaking of which, working on the scarf that's past the halfway point would be a good way to spend naptime -- better than addressing Christmas cards and licking these horrible Shutterfly envelopes!